วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How To Make a Leo Fall in Love With You

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How to Make a Leo Fall in Love With You

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You Will Need:

* Flattery
* An uncritical nature

Step 1: Admire them

Admire them. Leos have a very healthy self-image, to say the least, so the
first step to ingratiating yourself is to flatter them shamelessly. Trust
us: You cannot overdo this.

Step 2: Invite them to a pricey restaurant

Invite them to a pricey restaurant – the more expensive and exclusive, the
better. The only thing Leos love more than spending money on themselves is
having someone else do it.

Step 3: Let them talk

Let them talk. And talk. And talk some more. Leos love to talk. So ask
lots of questions and, above all, do not interrupt them.

Never steal a Leo's thunder in any way; they'll resent you for it.

Step 4: Make them laugh

Make them laugh. Leos have a great sense of humor and love to laugh – as
long as the joke is not on them. Expect dire consequences if you dare to
make them the butt of a joke.

Step 5: Give extravagant gifts

Give them extravagant gifts, because Leos adore luxury. If you're a
cheapskate at heart, don't even think about wooing a Leo.

Airline tickets to faraway places and adventure travel packages make fine
gifts for Leos, who love the exotic.

Step 6: Throw them a party

Throw them a party, especially if it's to celebrate one of their
accomplishments. Leos like nothing more than to be the center of
attention, though they'd rather be in the spotlight for getting a big
promotion than for turning 40.

Step 7: Give them space

Give them space. Leos need freedom and hate routine, so expecting them to
meet you at the same place for sushi every Friday night is a quick way to
alienate them.

Step 8: Never let your guard down

When it comes to massaging Leo's ego, never let your guard down. A
good-natured jibe about budding love handles will not be appreciated. Keep
the flattery up and the criticism to yourself, and you have a good chance
of winning Leo's famed loyalty.

Did you know? Madonna and Bill Clinton are both Leos.

And Dan Evins, co-founder of Cracker Barrel.

