music industry jobs that you can choose from. Some people love to be
involved in music but may not have the talent to be a performer or writer.
For those types of people, a business management job may be a better fit.
Here are just some management music industry jobs that you can pursue.
Concert Promoter
This person organizes, advertises, and promotes all different kinds of
concerts, tours, and other live musical events. Their main job is to get
the word out and drive traffic to the concert so that they can make money
for not only themselves, but also for the band or artists that are
Personal Manager or Agent
A personal manager or agent will represent a band or an artist and will
oversee just about every aspect of the band's or artist's career. They are
the person that deals with financial decisions, such as how much they are
going to charge for an appearance and also deals with the performer's
image as well. Their sole goal in their job is to make the artists
A&R Coordinator
The artist & repertoire coordinator works for a record label to help find
new talent for the company to sign to their music label. The search for
new artist in clubs, showcases, and contests, and listens to demos that
people may send to the company. The A& R coordinator may also have the
duty of finding songs for the artists to sing on their records as well.
Most of the time with larger record labels, the coordinator will have
assistants underneath them to help with search.
If you have a knack for business and management and you love music, then
you should look into music industry jobs in the management area. The above
are just a very small sampling of the many jobs that you can pick from.
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